About Dr Lowe

General Practitioner, Nutritional Doctor, and Herbalist, with over 40 years of experience.

Dr Lowe’s Credentials

Dr Lowe's Approach to Integrative Medicine

My medical practice is an integration of orthodox Western medicine and Nutritional and Functional or Orthomolecular Medicine. I graduated from the NSW University Medical School in 1978 and spent two years in residency at the Wollongong Hospital. I started my general medical practice in 1981, and began research into Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Herbal medicine soon after.

My interest has always been in hypersensitivity and allergy. This led to studies in immunology and gastrointestinal health.

My approach is based on Orthomolecular medicine which incorporates the use of laboratory tests to determine the imbalances of micronutrients – vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids in your body.

Micro-nutrient balance is basic to good health and healing. It is complementary to any other medical technique. I use the micronutrient balance to complement Orthodox medicine and herbal medicine.

Gastro-intestinal health is also a major concern, as the intestinal tract is the site of interaction of the body and the nutrition. The gastro-intestinal tract may be affected by bacteria, viruses, yeasts, parasites and hypersensitivity. Any inflammatory stimulus in the intestinal tract may affect the liver and the whole body. The intestinal microbiome -balance of healthy bacteria in the gut- is also a significant factor in restoring good health. We need to look at all these factors to have good health and  optimise health and healing with a wholistic approach.

To investigate the body’s status, I use standard tests, which can be performed in regular laboratories, and complementary tests, which give an extra dimension to understanding the mechanisms of healing. These complementary tests are novel to many doctors but my experience
has revealed their value: such as, the Urinary Organix test, Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis. and IgG food screen.  Their use is growing among many integrative doctors.

Treatment Protocol for Chronic Degenerative Disease

